What happened to my arowana ?
As I had written in my previous post, my arowana ate two tiger barbs within a few hours of putting it into the tank. Two days later, I noticed my arowana exhibiting strange behavior. It started sitting often on the tank bottom for a long time. It started swimming slowly and with clamped fins and tail. Sometimes it even spooked itself like there was an invisible wall in the tank. I thought of various reasons why this behavior would have happened. 1) Stress due to incorrect water parameters: I checked all the water parameters using the API master water testing kit and even did multiple water changes. All the water parameters were in the normal range and there was nothing wrong about any parameter. I put Indian dried almond leaves to neutralize the pH of the water. I also put API stress coat to condition the water. 2) Lighting: Since my tank is near a huge window, I tried various lighting conditions to check if the arowana's behavior persisted. I tried darkening the roo...